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(Snapshot of OpenElectrophy in my MAC)
OpenElectrophy could be a such an attractive tool for who are in Medicine, Biology and any related areas. Most of all, you could be interested in this because it is "Free".
Openelectrophy is a open source tool which makes you analyze data from electrophysiological studies easily. Furthermore, It is "Free". Even there are many tools like offline sorter and NEX (neuroexplorer) , but their price is kind of Oh my GOD.
Plus, the one of advantages in this tool is that it can be installed into Windows, LINUX and MAC.
So, you will totally crazy about Openelectrophy.
Recently, I installed this into my MAC but there were so many difficulties in installing openelectrophy. Although official website gives us how to install this into MACs, it's not enough for us, MAC users.
So, I'll tell you some tips for you.
First, if you decide to install openelectrophy into your MAC, you must check this:
Unfortunately, openelectrophy is not working in OSX Lion and 64bits system. So, you should make Linux partition in your MAC or make a virtual machine for Linux.
I have 64bits MAC air with Lion, 64bits MAC with snow leopard, 32bits MAC with snow leopard, and 64bits Windows machin with virtural machine for Linux. Among these systems, I can install openelectrophy into 32bits MAC and Windows machine.
Second, If your system is 32bits with snow leopard, I can give you some options to install this:
1. Make a partition for Windows, and buy a "commercial one". like offline sorter or NEX.
2. Instsall a virtual machine for Windows, and buy a "commercial one". like you already now.. :)
3. Make a partition or install a virtual machine for Linux, and install openelectrophy.
(OSX and Linux have the same origin, UNIX. But the install procedure is perfectly different. Plus, Install in Linux is perfectly easy and fast.)
4. Try it. But you must remind. I spent 3 weeks for this bad guy.
If you choose number 4, you should hold your patience tightly. Never throw away your calm and peaceful mind.
Before installation, you should remember some technics below:
1. Don't forget "sudo". Must enter "sudo" in any case.
2. tar cvzf <filename.tar.gz>
3. You must enter "sudo python configure.py", "sudo make" and "sudo make install".
4. Keep this in your mind: "sudo python setup.py build" and "sudo python setup.py install"
OpenElectrophy is consisted python and dependancies. So, you must install Xcode first, and install python 2.7 and depedancies before installing Openelectrophy. However, dependancies will make you in trouble because dependancies are really, really really dependant. They depend on each other, or your patience.
Actually, In http://packages.python.org/OpenElectrophy/installation.html, you can get the information on installation and you can install python and dependancies using this information, but it's not all.
To install openelectrophy, you should install most of dependancies directly. Even it needs you to get dependancy files.
First, In http://developer.apple.com, register for being a developer. It doesn't need any fee. Download Xcode and Install into your MAC.
Second, In http://www.macports.org, Download macports and instsall.
Third, In r.research.att.com/tools/, Download and install GNU fotran complier.
Fourth, open terminal. and excute below:
$ sudo port selfupdate $ sudo port install qt4-mac qwt52 py27-numpy py27-scipy py27-matplotlib py27-pyqt4Fifth, In terminal,
py27-sqlalchemy py27-mysql py27-distribute py27-pip py27-ipython
Specifically, in second command line, it means that install dependancies for openelectrophy
at once. Actually, it works well, but openelectrophy can't recognize them. So, you'll install
most of them manually but not this time. Go to forth.
Besides, install qt4-mac needs too much time to install itself. So, don't wait. Just go home
(if you're at work), or Sleep.
Not take a nap.
$ sudo port select --set python python27
$ sudo port select --set ipython ipython27
$ sudo pip-2.7 install http://sourceforge.net/projects/mdp-toolkit/files/mdp-toolkit/3.1/MDP-3.1.tar.gz/download
$ sudo pip-2.7 install http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/pyqwt/PyQwt-5.2.0.tar.gz?download
Sixth, In terminal,
$ svn co https://neuralensemble.org/svn/OpenElectrophy/
Seventh, Now. It's your turn.
In google.com, find and get source code or dmg file of SIP, numpy, scipy, matplolib, sqlalchemy, distribute, MDP toolkit,guiqwt, Scikits.learn, Otwt, Qt4, Setuptools, guidata and Pyqwt5. And Install them. (I recommend you to Instsall orderly.)
If the file is .tar.gz, unzip it using "$ tar cvzf <filename.tar.gz>".
After unzipping, If you find configure.py in unzipped files, Do "$ sudo python configure.py", "$ sudo make" and "$ sudo make install"
Or, you find setup.py, Do "$ sudo python setup.py build" and "$ sudo python setup.py install"
If the file that you downloaded is .dmg, just install.
Remember, it need too much time. In my case, I wasted up whole three weeks....
Eighth, Do "$ cd OpenElectrophy/trunk" and "$ sudo python setup.py install"
But in this step, you'll experience that openelectrophy needs too much modules. The modules is dependancies. Get directly and install.
Most of these cases, openelectrophy needs qwt5, and you should install pyqwt5. not qwt. However, pyqwt5 will not be installed at once. So, do "$ sudo configure.py", "$ sudo qmake", "$ sudo make" and "$ sudo make install" repeatly. At some time, or some day... finally you can install this bad guy.
Finally, In terminal,
Do "$ startOpenElectrophy.py"
Then, you can see the openelectrophy at finally on your desktop.
Before ending,
In 64bits MACs, SIP doesn't support the 64bits mode yet. So, in 64bits MACs, you can't install openelectrophy.
In MAC with Lion, the structure between snow leopard and Lion are slightly different. So, every dependancies are installed well, but openelectrophy can't find dependancies well.
Nerverthless, openelectrophy is as much as possible to threat other commercial ones because it had a powerful advantage, open source. So, openelectrophy could be more powerful than that of present, and it could be getting more attrative for many people who are in related areas.
Good Luck :)
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