If you are a neuroscientist or a man(or woman) who are doing signal analysis, you may heard of this Openelectrophy.

In neuroscience, especially in electrophysiology, always needs spike sorting, but the softwares that are available in store is really expensive. So, some people have thier own experiences of searching a free one.

This Openelectrophy is open source software. Yes! it is free.

But don't say "LOL" now. The perfect time is not coming up. You need so many trian-and-errors to install this.

This post is about how to install this bullsh*t in your Linux system.

the general install procedures is like this;


1. Open a ternimal

2. sudo apt-get install python python-scipy python-numpy python-matplotlib python-qt4 python-mysqldb python-pip python-psycopg2 python-dev gfortran python-pywt python-sqlalchemy python-migrate python-tables python-joblib  python-guidata python-sklearn python-pandas python-xlwt python-joblib cython

3. sudo pip install quantities neo pyqtgraph

4. sudo pip OpenElectrophy

5. sudo apt-get install git

6. git clone git@github.com:OpenElectrophy/OpenElectrophy.git

When you try to the procedure number 6, you can see this error message like this: git clone permission denied (publickey) fatal could not read from remote repository.

Here's the solution:


6-1. sudo apt-get install subversion

6-2. svn co https://neuralensemble.org/svn/OpenElectrophy/

Now, you did it! The OpenElectrophy is now installed in you computer!

Let's go for run!


7. cd OpenElectrophy 

8. cd trunk

9. sudo apt-get install python-mdp python-guiqwt

10. sudo python setup.py install

11. startOpenElectrophy.py (don't miss the capitals!)

Now, you finally can say. "LOL"

The funniest thing is; I mixed procedures of LINUX and MAC.

Have fun!

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