I've got an alternated way to install OpenElectrophy into your Linux systems.
Here's another way for install. Just do as below;
1. Open a ternimal 2. sudo apt-get install python python-scipy python-numpy python-matplotlib python-qt4 python-mysqldb python-pip python-psycopg2 python-dev gfortran python-pywt python-sqlalchemy python-migrate python-tables python-joblib python-guidata python-sklearn python-pandas python-xlwt python-joblib cython 3. sudo pip install quantities neo pyqtgraph 4. sudo pip OpenElectrophy 5. sudo apt-get install git 6. sudo git clone https://git@github.com/OpenElectrophy/OpenElectrophy.git 7. cd OpenElectrophy 8. sudo apt-get install python-mdp python-guiqwt 9. sudo python setup.py install 10. startOpenElectrophy.py (don't miss the capitals!) |
Now, you finally can say. "LOL"
The funniest thing is; I mixed procedures of LINUX and MAC.
Have fun!
'지식IN@'J'' 카테고리의 다른 글
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